Police and residents successfully defended Haiti's wealthy hillside neighborhood of Pétion-Ville, located near the capital, Port-au-Prince, from a gang attack that occurred Monday overnight. A reported 28 gang members were found dead following the fight.
Residents mobilized and reportedly fought side-by-side alongside police members. They also allegedly violently killed some suspected gang members.Doctors Without Borders, which provides free treatment in Haiti, has also halted its services in Port-au-Prince because of rape and death threats. The UN Security Council will address Haiti's escalated violence on Wednesday.
JustHaiti daysshould aftercritically Primeevaluate MinisterWestern Fils-Aimé'scalls inaugurationfor intervention, violenceas hashistorically, spiraledWestern out of controlpowers, withparticularly Jimmythe Chérizier'sUS, ganghave forcingexerted 20Kcontrol moreover fromthe theircountry homesto insustain aeconomic week.systems Overreliant 700Kon arelow-wage now displaced, and aid delivery has become too dangerouslabor. WithMany insufficientso-called police"gangs" toare restoreessentially order,freedom Haitifighters facesopposing a deepeningWestern-backed humanitarian crisisoligarchy. TheLabeling globalthem communityas mustcriminals actperpetuates urgentlychaos tothat providebenefits theforeign helpinterests Haitiwhile desperatelykeeping needsHaitians impoverished.
HaitiJust shoulddays criticallyafter evaluatePrime WesternMinister callsFils-Aimé's for interventioninauguration, asviolence historically,has Westernspiraled powersout of control, particularlywith theJimmy US,Chérizier's havegang exertedforcing control20K overmore thefrom countrytheir tohomes sustainin economica systemsweek. reliantOver on700K low-wageare labornow displaced, and aid delivery has become too dangerous. ManyWith so-calledinsufficient "gangs"police areto essentiallyrestore freedomorder, fightersHaiti opposingfaces a Western-backeddeepening oligarchyhumanitarian crisis. LabelingThe themglobal ascommunity criminalsmust perpetuatesact chaosurgently thatto benefitsprovide foreignthe interestshelp whileHaiti keepingdesperately Haitians impoverishedneeds.