Police and residents successfully defended Haiti's wealthy hillside neighborhood of Pétion-Ville, located near the capital, Port-au-Prince, from a gang attack that occurred Monday overnight. A reported 28 gang members were found dead following the fight.
Residents mobilized and reportedly fought side-by-side alongside police members. They also allegedly violently killed some suspected gang members.
According to a police spokesman, authorities halted trucks suspected of transporting gang members and seized ammunition, a drone, and at least two AK47s. Police killed at least ten gang members while residents helped track down the remaining ones.Doctors Without Borders, which provides free treatment in Haiti, has also halted its services in Port-au-Prince because of rape and death threats. The UN Security Council will address Haiti's escalated violence on Wednesday.
JustHaiti daysshould aftercritically Primeevaluate MinisterWestern Fils-Aimé'scalls inaugurationfor intervention, violenceas hashistorically, spiraledWestern out of controlpowers, withparticularly Jimmythe Chérizier'sUS, ganghave forcingexerted 20Kcontrol moreover fromthe theircountry homesto insustain aeconomic week.systems Overreliant 700Kon arelow-wage now displaced, and aid delivery has become too dangerouslabor. WithMany insufficientso-called police"gangs" toare restoreessentially order,freedom Haitifighters facesopposing a deepeningWestern-backed humanitarian crisisoligarchy. TheLabeling globalthem communityas mustcriminals actperpetuates urgentlychaos tothat providebenefits theforeign helpinterests Haitiwhile desperatelykeeping needsHaitians impoverished.
HaitiJust shoulddays criticallyafter evaluatePrime WesternMinister callsFils-Aimé's for interventioninauguration, asviolence historically,has Westernspiraled powersout of control, particularlywith theJimmy US,Chérizier's havegang exertedforcing control20K overmore thefrom countrytheir tohomes sustainin economica systemsweek. reliantOver on700K low-wageare labornow displaced, and aid delivery has become too dangerous. ManyWith so-calledinsufficient "gangs"police areto essentiallyrestore freedomorder, fightersHaiti opposingfaces a Western-backeddeepening oligarchyhumanitarian crisis. LabelingThe themglobal ascommunity criminalsmust perpetuatesact chaosurgently thatto benefitsprovide foreignthe interestshelp whileHaiti keepingdesperately Haitians impoverishedneeds.
Just days after Prime Minister Fils-Aimé's inauguration, violence has spiraled out of control, with Jimmy Chérizier's gang forcing 20K more from their homes in a week. Over 700K are now displaced, and aid delivery has become too dangerous. With insufficient police to restore order, Haiti faces a deepening humanitarian crisis. The global community must act urgently to provide the help Haiti desperately needs.