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Snapshot 6:Fri, Nov 15, 2024 8:54:27 PM GMT last edited by MattKalman

21 of Over 750 UFO Sightings Piqued Pentagon Interest Last Year

21 of Over 750 UFO Sightings Piqued Pentagon Interest Last Year

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The Facts

  • Between May 2023 and June 2024, the US Defense Department received 757 new reports of "unidentified anomalous phenomena" (UAP) — a number of them near strategic installations. Of these, 21 remain unexplained, the Pentagon's latest annual report has said.The Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office's (AARO) report was released Thursday amid rising public interest that has reportedly led the government to clear the air.

  • The department is said to be intrigued by the UAPs or UFOs. The Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office's (AARO) report was released Thursday amid rising public interest that has reportedly led the government to clear the air.In the report, the US Defense Department says that between May 2023 and June 2024 it received 757 new reports of "unidentified anomalous phenomena" (UAP) — a number of them near strategic installations. Of these, 21 remain unexplained.

  • AARO Director Jon Kosloski said the 21 incidents being probed involved shapes like orbs, triangles, and cylinders. He reportedly said that some cases had stumped his "physics and engineering background and time in the IC (Intelligence Community)."AARO Director Jon Kosloski said the 21 incidents being probed involved shapes like orbs, triangles, and cylinders. He said that some cases had stumped his "physics and engineering background and time in the IC (Intelligence Community)."

The Spin

The questgovernment's forlack UFOof transparency revealsrelated ato troublingUFOs resistanceis tosymbolic opennessof withina thewider USreluctance Frustratedbe attemptsmore atopen declassifyingwith UAPthe recordspublic haveon leftother Americansmatters. inWhen the dark.government Decadeskeeps ofdocuments sightings,classified mysterious incidents, and evenleaves militarycitizens encounters remain shrouded in secrecy.the Thisdark, refusalit to disclose fuels speculation and mistrust. Transparency isnIt'ts justtime aboutfor UFOs—it'sthe agovernment gateway to greatercome governmentclean accountabilityon several subjects.

SpeculationThere aboutare ano Pentagon cover-upups ofrelated aliento spacecraftUFOs. isThese notare only baseless butfables oftenspread fueled by aconspiracy smalltheorists groupin and outside of ferventthe believers,government. bothThe withinexistence andof outsideUFOs government.has Decadesbeen ofdiligently investigationstudied, havebut found no evidenceone ofhas extraterrestrialfound originsany forevidence UFOthat sightingsthey're real. InsteadMostly, mostsightings casesare stemactually from misidentified advanced technology, secret military projects, or civilian drones. Brush aside the rumors perpetuated by enthusiasts.

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