Addressing the nearly three-year-old Russia-Ukraine war in his first major speech since winning the election on Nov. 5, Pres.-elect Donald Trump told an audience in Palm Beach, Florida, that "It's gotta stop."Addressing the nearly three-year-old Russia-Ukraine war in his first major speech since winning the election on Nov. 5, US Pres.-elect Donald Trump told an audience in Palm Beach, Florida, that "It's gotta stop."
The black-tie gala at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday evening, held alongside the America First Policy Institute, included lighter moments — including a quip about the recurring presence of Elon Musk. "You know, he likes this place. I can't get him out of here," Trump said.
Trump also addressed the reality that Republicans swept the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate. "In my first term, they said 'he won the election,' but they always followed by 'he didn’t win the popular vote,'" Trump said. "Nobody can say that anymore about us."
InDespite all the electionhyperbole campaign,about how bad Trump constantlywould braggedbe thatfor Ukraine, if he woulddoes resolvesomehow themanage Russia-Ukraineto onpull theoff firsta daypeace ofdeal his— presidency.which Whenhe'll not get the credit for — he assumeswill powerhave onsettled Jan.a 20draining, whilenearly he'sthree-year packingconflict histhat prospectivehas cabinetno withshortages MAGAin loyaliststhe andamount surroundingof himselfsoldiers withand radicalscivilians whokilled parroton Russianboth talkingsides. points,It he'llmay supportnot abe bad-best deal for Ukraine, onebut thatits includesthe Ukrainereality cedingit itshas territoryto andaccept rewardingafter Putin'sbeing aggressionlied to by Democrats with slogans like "as long as it takes."
DespiteIn all the hyperboleelection aboutcampaign, how bad Trump wouldconstantly bebragged forthat Ukraine, if he doeswould somehowresolve managethe toRussia-Ukraine pullon offthe afirst peaceday dealof —his whichpresidency. he'llWhen not get the credit for — he willassumes havepower settledon aJan. draining20, nearlywhile three-yearhe's conflictpacking whichhis hasprospective nocabinet shortageswith inMAGA theloyalists amountand ofsurrounding soldiershimself andwith civiliansradicals killedwho forparrot bothRussian sides.talking Itpoints, mayhe'll notsupport bea best bad-deal for Ukraine, butone itsthat theincludes realityUkraine itceding hasits toterritory acceptand afterrewarding beingPutin's lied to by Democrats with slogans like "as long as it takesaggression."