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Brazil: Bomber Dies in Alleged Attack on Supreme Court

Brazil: Bomber Dies in Alleged Attack on Supreme Court

Above: Police guard the crime scene where a man died after an explosion in front of Brazil's Supreme Federal Court in Brasilia, Brazil, on Nov. 13, 2024. Image copyright: Evaristo Sa/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A man apparently killed himself on Brazil's Three Powers Plaza, a square connecting key government buildings in Brasília, on Wednesday in what authorities have called an attempted bombing attack on the country's top court.

  • He was identified as Francisco Wanderley Luiz, who unsuccessfully ran for city council in 2020 as a candidate for the Liberal Party, which former Pres. Jair Bolsonaro — who condemned the attack on social media — joined a year later.

  • This comes as two blasts were heard at the scene around 7:30 pm (local time). The first took place in a parking lot near the Supreme Court and the Chamber of Deputies, and the latter in the Three Powers Plaza.

The Spin

AnotherThis day,incident anothertargeting right-wingthe terroristSupreme attackCourt againstwas democraticmost institutionslikely ina Brazil.lone-wolf It'sattack longcarried pastout timeby toan realizeindividual thatwith politicalno pacificationclear canconnections onlyto thrivethe withright zerowing. toleranceAnd forunsurprisingly, extremistsJustice tryingAlexandre tode tearMoraes downhas democracyalready weaponized includingit thoseagainst involvedBolsonaro inand thehis coup acts of Jansupporters. 8, 2023.

Metaculus Prediction

ThereAnother day, another right-wing terrorist attack against democratic institutions in Brazil. It's along 40%past chancetime to realize that Alexandrepolitical depacification Moraescan ceaseonly tothrive bewith azero ministertolerance offor theextremists Supremetrying Federalto Courttear ofdown Brazildemocracy before 2026,including accordingthose toinvolved in the Metaculuscoup predictionacts communityof Jan. 8, 2023.

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