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Snapshot 4:Wed, Nov 13, 2024 8:08:12 PM GMT last edited by TylerJ

Pres. Joe Biden Hosts Pres.-Elect Donald Trump at the White House

Pres. Joe Biden Hosts Pres.-Elect Donald Trump at the White House

Above: Pres. Joe Biden meets with Pres.-elect Donald Trump at the Oval Office of the White House on Nov. 13, 2024 in Washington, DC. Image copyright: Alex Wong/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Pres.-elect Donald Trump met Pres. Joe Biden in the Oval Office Wednesday after the incumbent US leader invited the former president to the White House for a traditional transition meeting.

  • They reportedly discussed plans for a peaceful transition of power when Trump takes the oath of office for a second time on Jan. 20. "It will be as smooth as it can get, and I very much appreciate that, Joe," Trump, 78, told Biden, 81.

The Spin

TheTrump's heroic return the White House transitionis meetinga representssymbolic amoment crucialfor traditionthe thatMAGA reinforcesmovement, having engineered the strengthgreatest ofpolitical comeback in American democracyhistory. andDespite ensuresthe continuitybest attempts of governmentthe operationsdeep state establishment, it is clear that nothing could stop Pres. TheseTrump discussionsfrom betweenreturning incomingto andoffice outgoingto leadersfinish havewhat historicallyhe helpedstarted. bridgeAfter politicalboth divisionsBiden and demonstrateHarris nationalaccused unity.Trump Theof practicelie hasafter provenlie valuable for smoothyears transitionsand years, astoday evidencedwill bybe successfula handoffsbitter likeday thefor BushDemocrats and a moment of celebration for freedom-Obamaloving transitionAmericans.

PersonalThe autonomyWhite andHouse changingtransition circumstancesmeeting sometimesrepresents necessitatea breakingcrucial with tradition, especiallythat whenreinforces thesethe customsstrength areof notAmerican legallydemocracy requiredand ensures continuity of government operations. DecidingThese todiscussions declinebetween ceremonialincoming meetingsand allowsoutgoing leaders tohave focushistorically onhelped morebridge pressingpolitical mattersdivisions and setdemonstrate prioritiesnational unity. ModernThe communicationpractice methodshas proven valuable for smooth transitions, and professionalit staffis canan ensureact effectiveof transitionspatriotism withoutthat requiringBiden symbolichas chosen to forgive Trump's actions in-person meetings2020 and prioritize country over party today.

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