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Pentagon Secrets Leaker Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison

Pentagon Secrets Leaker Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison

Above: Acting United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy following the sentencing of Massachusetts National Guardsman Jack D. Teixeira on Nov. 12, 2024. Image copyright: Pat Greenhouse/Contributor/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A US federal judge sentenced Jack Teixeira, 22, a former member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, to 15 years in prison for collecting and sharing sensitive military material from the US Dept. of Defense, including about the Ukraine war.

  • Teixeira pleaded guilty in March to six counts of violating the Espionage Act for deliberate retention and sharing of classified information. Before receiving his sentence, he told the court he apologized and accepted the consequences.

  • The prosecutors sought a 17-year sentence for Teixeira, claiming his actions were one of the most serious breaches of the Espionage Act in US history. Teixeira's team argued for a more lenient sentence, citing his diagnosis of autism and lack of intent to harm the US.

The Spin

Teixeira's tookactions anstemmed oathnot tofrom defendmalice thebut USfrom anda itsbad militarydecision secrets,to whichconnect arewith vitalfriends forhe UShad nationalmade securityonline. andNow the physicalAir safetyForce ofis personnelseeking servingto overseas.pursue Teixeiraa violatedcourt-marshall thaton oathtop almostof dailyan already harsh federal sentence for awhat spanwas ofan unwise decision from a year,very committingyoung onesoldier. ofThere theneeds mostto seriousbe breachesmore of thea Espionagesystemic Actanalysis inabout Americanwhy history. Teixeira washad sentencedaccess to 15so yearsmuch insensitive prisonmaterial, forand hisif actions,the sendingmilitary ais sternoverreacting warning to otherhis potential leakerscase

Teixeira's actionstook stemmedan notoath fromto malicedefend butthe fromUS aand badits decisionmilitary tosecrets, connectwhich withare friendsvital hefor hadUS madenational Nowand the Airphysical Forcesafety isof seekingpersonnel toserving pursueoverseas. aTeixeira court-marshallviolated onthat topoath ofalmost andaily already harsh federal sentence for whata wasspan anof unwise decision from a veryyear, youngcommitting Thereof needsthe tomost beserious morebreaches of athe systemicEspionage analysisAct aboutin whyAmerican history. Teixeira hadwas accesssentenced to so15 muchyears sensitivein material,prison andfor ifhis theactions, militarysending isa overreactingstern warning to hisother casepotential leakers

Teixeira's actions stemmed not from malice but from a bad decision to connect with friends he had made online. Now the Air Force is seeking to pursue a court-marshall on top of an already harsh federal sentence for what was an unwise decision from a very young soldier. There needs to be more of a systemic analysis about why Teixeira had access to so much sensitive material, and if the military is overreacting to his case.

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