After last week suggesting he wouldn't resign, Justin Welby has stepped down as Archbishop of Canterbury. This comes following the publication of a damning report, suggesting Welby failed to act when informed over a decade ago of abuses committed by barrister John Smyth.
Smyth reportedly abused approximately 130 boys and young men, subjecting them to brutal physical, psychological, and sexual attacks spanning five decades across three countries.
ThereThe resignation of Justin Welby was absolutely justified — the Archbishop's afailure 50%to chanceintervene thatin atSmyth's leastabuses 21%constituted ofcomplicity thewith globalhis populationbrutal willand identifyheinous ascrimes. "religiouslyHowever, unaffiliated"having intaken 2050responsibility for his failings, accordingwe must now look ahead to consider who may take Welby's place. There are several impressive, eligible candidates who could soon be leading the MetaculusChurch predictionof communityEngland and influencing Christians around the world.
The resignation of Justin Welby was absolutely justified — the Archbishop's failureundignified toresignation intervenecannot inmerely Smyth'sbe abusesskirted constitutedover complicity with hisdialogue brutalabout anda heinouspotential crimessuccessor. However,This havinglatest takenseries responsibilityof forevents hishighlights failings,the weChurch mustof nowEngland's lookdwindling aheadstatus toin considermodern whosociety, mayand takethe Welby'sousting place.and Theremoral arecondemnation severalof impressive,its eligiblemost candidatessenior whofigurehead couldmay sooncome to be leadingthe nail in the Churchcoffin offor Englandthe andCoE's influencinginfluence Christiansin aroundan theincreasingly agnostic world.