A report published last week has revealed that the Church of England failed to act against barrister John Smyth, who abused approximately 130 boys and young men through brutal physical, psychological, and sexual attacks spanning five decades across three countries.After last week suggesting he wouldn't resign, Justin Welby has stepped down as Archbishop of Canterbury. This comes following the publication of a damning report, suggesting Welby failed to act when informed over a decade ago of abuses committed by barrister John Smyth.
Archbishop Justin Welby had known Smyth since the 1970s. Informed of abuse allegations in 2013, Welby reportedly failed to ensure they were thoroughly investigated, which critics say represents a missed opportunity to bring Smyth to justice.Smyth reportedly abused approximately 130 boys and young men, subjecting them to brutal physical, psychological, and sexual attacks spanning five decades across three countries.
The Churchresignation of Justin Welby was absolutely justified — the Archbishop's leadershipfailure hasto fundamentallyintervene failedin toSmyth's protectabuses vulnerableconstituted individualscomplicity with his brutal and maintainheinous moralcrimes. authorityHowever, throughhaving decadestaken ofresponsibility institutionalfor cover-uphis andfailings, inaction.we Themust Archbishopnow look ahead to consider who may take Welby's failureplace. toThere actare decisivelyseveral inimpressive, 2013eligible makescandidates hiswho positioncould untenablesoon be leading the Church of England and demandsinfluencing immediateChristians accountabilityaround throughthe resignationworld.
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