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Archbishop Faces Resignation Calls Over Church Abuse Cover-up

Archbishop Faces Resignation Calls Over Church Abuse Cover-up

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The Facts

  • Archbishop Justin Welby, who knew Smyth from Christian summer camps in the 1970s, was informed of abuse allegations in 2013 but failed to ensure they were thoroughly investigated, representing a missed opportunity to bring Smyth to justice.A damning report revealed the Church of England failed to act against John Smyth, who abused approximately 130 boys and young men through brutal physical, psychological, and sexual attacks spanning five decades across three countries.

  • The Makin Review found that Church officials knew about the abuse at the highest level since 1982 and participated in an active cover-up, allowing Smyth to continue abusing victims in Zimbabwe and South Africa until his death in 2018.Archbishop Justin Welby, who knew Smyth from Christian summer camps in the 1970s, was informed of abuse allegations in 2013 but failed to ensure they were thoroughly investigated, representing a missed opportunity to bring Smyth to justice.

  • Over 7,000 people have signed a petition calling for Welby's resignation, including three members of the Church's General Synod who accused him of allowing abuse to continue between 2013 and 2018.The Makin Review found that Church officials knew about the abuse at the highest level since 1982 and participated in an active cover-up, allowing Smyth to continue abusing victims in Zimbabwe and South Africa until his death in 2018.

The Spin

WhileThe acknowledgingChurch's pastleadership failures,has thefundamentally Churchfailed hasto apologizedprotect profoundlyvulnerable individuals and ismaintain workingmoral toauthority buildthrough adecades saferof institutioninstitutional cover-up and inaction. WelbyThe hadArchbishop's nopersonal awarenessfailure ofto theact abuse'sdecisively severityin before 2013, andmakes his continuedposition leadershipcompletely isuntenable essentialand fordemands implementingimmediate necessaryaccountability reformsthrough and safeguarding improvementsresignation.

While acknowledging past failures, the Church has apologized profoundly and is working to build a safer institution. Welby had no awareness of the abuse's severity before 2013, and his continued leadership is essential for implementing necessary reforms and safeguarding improvements.

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