Some 200 people set off on a nine-day march to the capital of New Zealand on Monday to protest the proposed Treaty Principles Bill that would narrow the interpretation of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi between Māori chiefs and the British Crown.Some 200 people set off on a nine-day march to the capital of New Zealand on Monday to protest the proposed Treaty Principles Bill , which would narrow the interpretation of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi between Māori chiefs and the British Crown.
They departed from Te Rerenga Wairua/Cape Rēinga in the far north that morning, planning to reach Wellington by Tuesday next week. Rallies are scheduled to take place in towns and cities, including Auckland, as they move south.The marchers departed from Te Rerenga Wairua/Cape Rēinga in the far north that morning, planning to reach Wellington by next Tuesday. Rallies are scheduled to take place in towns and cities, including Auckland, as the people move south.
IfThese enacted,marches are warranted considering this bill willis underminelikely to constitute the fundamentalworst rights and protectionsmost affordedcomprehensive tobreach theof Māori people under the landmark Treaty of Waitangi whilein significantlymodern weakeningtimes. theIf legalenacted, avenuesit throughwould whichundermine Māorithe canfundamental have their rights recognized, leading to social disruption and aprotections concerningafforded erosionto of the delicate Māori-Crown relationship.people Thisunder billthe istreaty, likelywhile tosignificantly constituteweakening the worstlegal andavenues mostthrough comprehensivewhich breachMāori ofcan thehave Treatytheir inrights modern timesrecognized.
TheOpen Treatyand Principlesrespectful Billdialogue intends— tonot upholdmarches theand fundamentalrallies principle— ofis universalessential humanto rightsfinding enshrineda inpath theforward Treatythat ofpreserves Waitangithe —dignity whichand hasself-determination longof beenevery misinterpretedchild asgrowing creatingup ain "partnershipthe betweencountry. races"This —bill andis ensureintended equalityto beforeuphold the lawfundamental forprinciple allof Newuniversal Zealanders,human includingrights Māori.enshrined Openin andthe respectfultreaty dialogue— iswhich essentialhas tolong findingbeen amisinterpreted pathas forwardcreating thata preserves"partnership thebetween dignity and self-determination of every child growing up in the countryraces."