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New Zealand: Māoris March To Capital Against 1840 Treaty Reinterpretation

MāoriNew ProtestsZealand: EruptMāoris asMarch NewTo ZealandCapital ParliamentAgainst Opens1840 Treaty Reinterpretation

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The Facts

  • Hundreds of New Zealanders set off on a nine-day March to Wellington Monday, protesting the Treaty Principles Bill—now in parliament—that seeks to reinterpret the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi. Under the United for Te Tiriti banner, they want the government to “kill the bill.”

  • Organized by the Toitū te Tiriti (Honour the Treaty) advocacy group, the march began in Cape Rēinga in northern New Zealand, with the protesters looking to converge before parliament next Tuesday. As they move south, the protesters have scheduled rallies in towns like Auckland.

The Spin

The proposed Treaty Principles Bill can potentially undermine the fundamental rights and protections afforded to the Māori people under the landmark Treaty of Waitangi. If enacted, the bill would significantly weaken the legal avenues through which Māori can have their rights recognized, leading to social disruption and a concerning erosion of the delicate Māori-Crown relationship. The Waitangi Tribunal has warned that this bill could constitute the "worst, most comprehensive breach of the Treaty in modern times,." potentially leading to the "end of the Treaty" if left unchecked.

New Zealand's new Treaty Principles Bill intends to uphold the fundamental principle of universal human rights enshrined in the Treaty of Waitangi. The interpretation of the treaty principles has created an unintended "partnership between races" and the bill aims to ensure equality before the law for all New Zealanders, including Māori. Open and respectful dialogue is essential to finding a path forward that preserves the dignity and self-determination of the Māori community.

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