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Snapshot 13:Thu, Nov 7, 2024 9:44:23 PM GMT last edited by KateHennig

2024 'Virtually Certain' To Be Hottest Year, Pass 1.5 Degree Threshold

20232024 Shatters'Virtually GlobalCertain' TemperatureTo RecordsBe Hottest Year, ScientistsPass Warn1.5 Degree Threshold

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The Facts

  • On Thursday, scientists with the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service state that 2024 is "virtually certain" to be the Earth's hottest year in recorded history, based on the temeprature averages from Janurary to October.

  • This year will also be the first year that the Earth will see more than 1.5 degrees Celsius in warming, which countries agreed to keep temperature rises under as per the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

  • The EU scientists say that the planet's temperature is set to increase by at least 1.55C compared to pre-industrial times, surpassing the yearly warming record of 1.48C set last year. The increase is mostly attributable to human activity and is boosted by the Pacific Ocean's El Niño weather pattern.

The Spin

The climate crisis has reached unprecedented levelstemperature withrise greenhouserepresents gasesa accumulating faster than at any time in human history.rights Currentcrisis, emissioncausing levelsthousands guaranteeof catastrophicdeaths, consequencesdisplacement, for every nation's economy and billionsloss of lives.livelihoods Immediatethrough andextreme drasticweather actionevents, ismaking requiredimmediate toaction preventcrucial irreversiblefor damagehuman to Earth's climate systemssurvival.

The unprecedentedclimate warmingcrisis demonstrateshas anreached urgentunprecedented needlevels forwith immediategreenhouse actiongases onaccumulating fossilfaster fuelthan emissions,at asany currenttime planetaryin temperatureshuman approachhistory. dangerousCurrent thresholdsemission thatlevels couldguarantee irreversiblycatastrophic damageconsequences entirefor ecosystems.every Withoutnation's rapideconomy phase-outand billions of fossillives. fuels,Immediate evenand thesedrastic recordaction temperaturesis willrequired soonto seemprevent coolirreversible bydamage comparisonto Earth's climate systems.

The unprecedented temperaturewarming risedemonstrates demandsan urgent need for immediate action toon phasefossil outfuel fossil fuelsemissions, as current conditionsplanetary willtemperatures seemapproach cooldangerous comparedthresholds tothat futurecould yearsirreversibly withoutdamage interventionentire ecosystems. TheWithout situationrapid hasphase-out reachedof afossil critical point that threatens to irreversibly damage entire ecosystemsfuels, makingeven thethese upcomingrecord COPtemperatures 28will conferencesoon crucialseem forcool globalby climate actioncomparison.

The unprecedented temperature rise representsdemands aimmediate humanaction rightsto crisisphase out fossil fuels, causingas thousandscurrent ofconditions deaths,will displacement,seem andcool losscompared ofto livelihoodsfuture throughyears extremewithout weatherintervention. eventsThe situation has reached a critical point that threatens to irreversibly damage entire ecosystems, making immediatethe actionupcoming COP 28 conference crucial for humanglobal survivalclimate action.

EconomicThe developmentclimate andcrisis climatecontinues actionunabated mustas bethe balanced,Earth withcontinues developingto nationspass requiringthresholds financialthat supportwill lead to meetirreversible climatedamage goalsand threaten the future existence of life on Earth. TheIn NDCspite processof servesthe asdire aneed negotiatingfor mechanismreal toglobal securecooperation, necessaryanti-science fundingpopulists have actively denied climate change, with countriesUS seekingpresident-elect Donald Trump threatening to ensurewithdraw theirthe climateUS pledgesfrom arethe investableParis andAgreement. We can attractno bothlonger publicelect andright-wing privateanti-climate financezealots.

GovernmentEconomic plansdevelopment currentlyand allowclimate foraction twicemust thebe amountbalanced, ofwith fossildeveloping fuelnations productionrequiring neededfinancial support to maintainmeet theclimate 1goals.5-degree CelsiusThe targetNDC fromprocess theserves Parisas Agreement.a Thenegotiating situationmechanism requiresto balancedsecure considerationnecessary offunding, economicwith transitionscountries andseeking sustainableto development,ensure particularlytheir regardingclimate airpledges conditioningare needsinvestable inand affectedcan regionsattract both public and private finance.

GovernmentsGovernment worldwideplans are currently planningallow tofor extract and produce twice the amount of fossil fuelsfuel production needed to maintain the 1.5-degree Celsius target, whilefrom Elthe Niño'sParis peakAgreement. influenceThe hasn'tsituation yetrequires arrived.balanced Theconsideration combination of continuedeconomic fossiltransitions fuel production and naturalsustainable climatedevelopment, patternsparticularly suggestsregarding evenair higherconditioning temperaturesneeds ahead,in regardlessaffected of immediate actionregions.

TheGovernments economicworldwide are currently planning to extract and policyproduce challengestwice ofthe rapidlyamount reducingof greenhousefossil gasfuels emissionsneeded acrossto allmaintain sectorsthe require1.5-degree balancedCelsius considerationtarget, aswhile currentEl emissionNiño's reductionpeak targetsinfluence havehasn't not yet resultedarrived. inThe actualcombination decreases,of highlightingcontinued thefossil complexityfuel ofproduction implementingand effectivenatural climate policiespatterns suggests even higher temperatures ahead, regardless of immediate action.

The climate lobby is using climate change for political ends by fear-mongering and misleading the public. In fact, evidence has shown that if the world dropped everything to meet the 1.5C goal, the costs would be greater than letting it come to pass and mitigating it. The climate scientists need to focus on real, pragmatic solutions instead of using climate policy as a Trojan horse for societal and economic change.

The economic and policy challenges of rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors require balanced consideration, as current emission reduction targets have not yet resulted in actual decreases, highlighting the complexity of implementing effective climate policies.

Metaculus Prediction

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