Researchers from the UK and US have found that treating the most aggressive cancers should focus on targeting extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA), which are "rogue" DNA fragments that help cancerous tumors flourish and become chemotherapy-resistant.
They found ecDNA is present in over 17% of analyzed tumors, particularly in aggressive forms of breast, brain, and lung cancers.
DNAWhile cancer treatments are currently necessary for a lot of people, the futuremost important thing to focus on is how to prevent the next generation of cancer therapy,patients. This horrific disease should not be as theywidespread preciselyas targetit is, and the rootmedical epigeneticestablishment changesis thatchoosing driveto tumorprescribe growthprofitable withoutmedications damagingrather healthythan cells.focus Unlikeon traditionalthe treatmentsroot likecauses. chemotherapy,Our whichfood indiscriminatelysupply killsand cells,environment epigeneticare drugschock-full canof restoretoxins normalthat geneare functiondestroying byhuman reversingcells. harmfulIf DNAwe Thisrid willof makethose cancertoxins, treatmentwe morecould efficientput whilea alsomajor reducingdent negativein symptomsthe cancer epidemic.
WhileDNA cancer treatments are currently necessary for a lot of people, the mostfuture important thing to focus on is how to prevent the next generation of cancer patients.therapy, This horrific disease should not be as widespreadthey asprecisely ittarget is, and the medicalroot establishmentepigenetic ischanges choosingthat todrive prescribetumor profitablegrowth medicationswithout ratherdamaging thanhealthy focuscells. onUnlike thetraditional roottreatments Ourchemotherapy, foodwhich supplyindiscriminately andkills environmentcells, areepigenetic chock-fulldrugs ofcan toxinsrestore thatnormal aregene destroyingfunction humanby cells.reversing Ifharmful weDNA gotmodifications. ridThis ofwill thosemake toxins,cancer wetreatment couldmore putefficient awhile majoralso dentreducing innegative the cancer epidemicsymptoms.