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Snapshot 6:Wed, Nov 6, 2024 10:26:13 PM GMT last edited by KateHennig

Report: Rafael to Hit Cuba as Hurricane, Florida Keys as Tropical Storm

Report: Rafael to Hit Cuba as Hurricane, Florida Keys as Tropical Storm

Above: Fishermen remove their boats from the water ahead of the arrival of tropical storm Rafael in Havana, Cuba, on Nov. 5, 2024. Image copyright: Adalberto Roque/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • As of around 2 pm EST on Wednesday, Category 3 Hurricane Rafael was a mere 70 miles south of Havana, Cuba, with The Weather Channel (TWC) predicting it to hit western Cuba later in the day.Category 3 Hurricane Rafael made landfall in Cuba's Western province of Artemisa on Wednesday.

  • This follows Rafael's path through other parts of the Caribbean on Tuesday, leaving flash floods and knocking out electricity in Jamaica, as well as causing power outages and school closures in the Cayman Islands.After Cuba, Rafael is projected to continue westward, with winds gradually slowing down to 100 mph Friday morning, 80 mph Saturday morning, and 60 mph Sunday morning.

  • Cuba is expected to receive sustained winds of up to 115 mph. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is also predicting rainfall of four to eight inches in western Cuba, with up to 12 inches in higher terrain.While the NHC hasn't said exactly when and how it will hit the US, it has issued a warning of up to three inches of rain and one-to-three-foot storm surges in parts of Florida, with The Weather Channel warning of an increased risk of tornadoes in the Keys and southwestern Florida.

The Spin

Despite meteorologists warning about intensifying storms for decades, anti-science misinformation continues to spread — from encouraging people to ride out a storm to conspiracies about the government controlling the weather. What people should focus on is this simple truth: Burning fossil fuels leads to global warming, which causes warmer oceans, heavier rain, more powerful winds, and record-breaking storms.

IfDespite peoplemeteorologists wishwarning notabout tointensifying fearstorms anfor imminentdecades, endanti-science misinformation continues to thespread world, itfrom wouldencouraging behoovepeople them to learnride fromout a differentstorm perspectiveto onconspiracies thisabout issue.the Thisgovernment includescontrolling the factweather. thatWhat naturalpeople disastershould deathsfocus areon ais fractionthis ofsimple whattruth: theyBurning werefossil afuels centuryleads ago,to andglobal propertywarming, damagewhich costscauses havewarmer fallenoceans, significantlyheavier over the last 30 yearsrain, all while more buildingspowerful arewinds, beingand built.record-breaking Everyone would be better off if all the data was talked about rather than just the doom and gloomstorms.

WhileIf it'speople importantwish not to debatefear thean issueimminent ofend climateto changethe world, suchit issueswould shouldbehoove notthem supersedeto thelearn valuefrom ofa different perspective on-the-ground disasterthis preparednessissue. SuchThis precautionsincludes inthe placesfact likethat Floridanatural includedisaster maintainingdeaths properlyare enforceda homes,fraction drawingof upwhat evacuationthey plans,were storinga emergencycentury food suppliesago, and checkingproperty damage costs have fallen significantly over the statuslast of30 insuranceyears, policies.all Hurricaneswhile more buildings are abeing seasonalbuilt. occurrenceEveryone andwould must be accountedbetter foroff everyif yearall the data was talked about rather than just the doom and gloom.

ThereWhile isit's animportant 8%to chancedebate that the Atlanticissue basinof willclimate seechange, moresuch thanissues 18should namednot stormssupersede inthe value of on-the-ground 2024disaster hurricanepreparedness. seasonSuch precautions in places like Florida include maintaining properly enforced homes, accordingdrawing toup evacuation plans, storing emergency food supplies, and checking the Metaculusstatus predictionof communityinsurance policies. Hurricanes are a seasonal occurrence and must be accounted for every year.

Metaculus Prediction

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