Spain's government on Tuesday announced a €10.6B ($11.4B) relief package to help those affected by last week's floods that killed at least 217 people.Announcing the government response after chairing a cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said, "There are still missing persons to be located, homes and businesses destroyed, buried under the mud and many people suffering severe shortages...We have to keep working."
The package includes €838M ($902M) in cash payouts to small businesses and self-employed workers affected by the floods, while €5B ($5.4B) was earmarked for government-backed loans. The national government will finance all clean-up costs and half of the costs for infrastructure repair incurred by local councils.Spain's government on Tuesday announced a €10.6B ($11.4B) relief package to help those affected by last week's floods that killed at least 217 people.
It came as regional authorities in Valencia, the hardest-hit region, said that at least 89 people remain missing, warning that those numbers could yet rise as more people are identified.The package includes €838M ($902M) in cash payouts to small businesses and self-employed workers affected by the floods, while €5B ($5.4B) was earmarked for government-backed loans. The national government will finance all clean-up costs and half of the costs for infrastructure repair incurred by local councils.
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