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Snapshot 13:Wed, Nov 6, 2024 9:59:44 PM GMT last edited by NickBurk

US Election: Donald Trump Elected as 47th President

US Election: Donald Trump Elected as 47th President

Above: Donald Trump dances off stage at the conclusion of a campaign rally at the J.S. Dorton Arena on Nov. 4, 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Image copyright: Chip Somodevilla/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • According to The Associated Press (AP), former Pres. Donald Trump will return to the White House as the 47th US president after winning Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes at 5:34 a.m. EST Wednesday

  • With the victory in Wisconsin, Trump has cleared the threshold of 270 electoral votes needed to return to power. According to AP, 277 Electoral College votes have been called for Trump, compared to Kamala Harris' 224.

  • This comes as Fox and the Hill had called the election for Trump earlier in the day, with the former president declaring victory on stage in West Palm Beach in the early hours of Wednesday, after winning Pennsylvania. In his victory speech he said: "This was a movement like nobody's ever seen before, and frankly, this was, I believe, the greatest political movement of all time."

The Spin

WhileThe HarrisDemocratic willParty acceptis thecommitted electionto resultsthe oncepeaceful theytransfer areof tabulated,power theto ballotPresident-countingelect processTrump. isThis stillwas ongoinga inhard-fought effort by the faceHarris ofcampaign, irregularitiesand inthe certainDemocratic states.Party Thebelieves questionablein actionschecks, ofbalances, certainand GOP-ledthe states,strength particularlyof regardinginstitutions. localThe electionAmerican laws,people aremust ironic,rest givenassured that theytheir arevoices exactlywill whatbe Trumpheard accusedin Bidenthe ofmonths doingahead, ineven thethough facethis ofis hisa 2020disappointing defeat.result Whetherfor youmany. liveNow inis anot redthe ortime bluefor state,despair; everythe American'sfight votefor mustsocial beprogress countedwill beforecontinue awell winnerinto isthe declaredfuture.

Metaculus Prediction

Donald Trump has endured partisan lawfare and unfair persecution since leaving office in 2021, and today’s result is a resounding victory for the American people. This is a mandate for strong borders, a robust economy, an America First approach to foreign policy, and a rejection of failed left-leaning policies. The new Trump administration will pursue bold visions to Make America Great Again.

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