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Snapshot 9:Wed, Oct 30, 2024 1:08:42 PM GMT last edited by NickBurk

China Launches Three Astronauts to Tiangong Space Station

China's NewLaunches SpaceThree StationAstronauts Crew to TestTiangong LunarSpace Soil BricksStation

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The Facts

  • China Wednesday successfully launched its six-month Shenzhou-19 manned mission carrying three taikonauts (astronauts) to its Tiangong space station. Its rocket, Long March-2F Y19, lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China at 4.27am Beijing time.China successfully launched three taikonauts (astronauts) to the Tiangong space station on Wednesday. The six-month Shenzhou 19 mission took off atop a Long March-2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China at 4.27 am Beijing time.

  • China called the Shenzhou 19 launch a "complete success." The crew includes its first female space engineer Wang Haoze, alongside pilot Cai Xuzhe and fellow rookie Song Lingdong, a former air force pilot. Chinese state media said this is China's “youngest crew” to go to space.The crew includes China's first female space engineer Wang Haoze, pilot Cai Xuzhe, and former air force pilot Song Lingdong. According to Chinese state media, this is China's "youngest crew" to go to space.

  • Thirty-four-year-old Wang is reportedly an expert in nuclear-powered rocket technology, unlike China's first two female astronauts, Liu Yang and Wang Yaping, who were air force pilots. She said she wanted to "meticulously complete each task and protect our home in space."Wang, 34, is an expert in nuclear-powered rocket technology, unlike China's first two female astronauts, Liu Yang and Wang Yaping, who were air force pilots. She has worked on the design and development of unconventional rocket engines for future deep-space missions.

The Spin

China's space program stands as a beacon of human achievement and scientific progress, brilliantly demonstrated by the Shenzhou 19 mission's successful launch. The program emphasizes diversity and innovation, with young talent like Wang Haoze joining veteran commander Cai Xuzhe. Their research spans from growing food in space to studying lunar soil for future moon habitation, embodying humanity's dreams of space exploration. With eight successful crewed missions to Tiangong and plans for lunar exploration, China's space endeavors inspire a new generation while contributing to our shared understanding of the cosmos.

China's rapidly advancing space program is geared toward achieving military dominance in orbit and on Earth, aiming to disable US and allied space capabilities if desired. Alongside increasing orbital presence and surveillance capabilities, Beijing is developing counterspace weapons, including antisatelliteanti-satellite tools, that threaten USAmerican systems. AlthoughStrict China promotes its space pursuits as peaceful, its ambition extends to control of lunar and other extraterrestrial resources. Meanwhile, strict security around its space operations reflects the broader rivalry with the USWest, as China pushes to fulfillestablish Presidentits Xi’s vision of global influence in space and beyond.

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