Conservative commentator and 1776 Project PAC founder Ryan Gidursky has been banned from CNN following comments made towards Medhi Hasan during Monday's show "NewsNight with Abby Phillip."
After Hasan, editor-in-chief and CEO of media organization Zeteo, stated that he was a "supporter of the Palestinians," Girdusky responded by stating "I hope your bleeper doesn't go off." Girdusky apologized, claiming he thought Hasan said "Hamas" rather than "Palestinians," before being removed at the next commercial break.
Host Abby Phillip described Girdusky's comment as "disgusting" before apologizing to Hasan who also left the show during the commercial break. Phillip later shared on X a statement from CNN stating that there was "zero room for racism or bigotry" at CNN and Girdusky "will not be welcomed back at our network."