US Vice Pres. Kamala Harris and her Democratic presidential campaign have said that they're preparing for the possibility that Republican candidate Donald Trump declares victory prematurely or challenges the results if he loses.
Speculation on the matter is reportedly shared by some Trump advisors who spoke to NBC News. However, a former Trump advisor said that unlike in 2020, when Trump was influenced by Rudy Giuliani, the 2024 senior campaign leadership won't encourage it.
During an interview with NBC News on Tuesday, Harris said her campaign was preparing for Trump to challenge the election results if she won, adding that they have the "resources and expertise" to do so.
Donald Trump and his allies in Government are attempting to push the same election denial scheme they pushed in 2020. This should worry everyone who witnessed the 2020 election, especially regarding the 147 Republican congressmen who voted to overturn certain results. As Trump works to sow doubt, the rest of the country must remain clear-eyed about the results.