Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday was ordered by a federal judge to turn over most of his possession and cash to two Georgia election workers he was found guilty of defaming after the 2020 presidential election.
Last year, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss won their defamation suit against Giuliani, who while working as an attorney on behalf of Pres. Donald Trump falsely accused them of tampering with the election results. The election workers were awarded more than $140M.
Giuliani has been ordered to turn over his New York City apartment, a 1980 Mercedes formerly owned by actress Lauren Bacall, 26 watches, and other assets that will cover about $6.5M of the settlement.
Let this judgment against Giuliani serve as a cautionary tale — anyone thinking of making false accusations about the results of the upcoming election could face serious consequences. Giuliani promoted Trump's lies about the 2020 election and even the bankruptcy laws weren't able to save him from this indignity.
The lawfare against Trump and anyone associated with him took an absurd turn with this case and the judgment against Giuliani. Now things have gone from absurd to ludicrous with Giuliani being ordered to give up his possessions. Eventually, Giulian will be given the opportunity for justice.