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Snapshot 8:Tue, Oct 22, 2024 7:09:50 AM GMT last edited by Haakan

India, China to Disengage Border Troops And Set Patrolling Norms

India-, China to Disengage Border TensionsTroops PersistAnd DespiteSet TalksPatrolling Norms

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The Facts

  • India and China have agreed to de-escalate border tensions that had arisen since the deadly clashes between their troops in 2020. This comes ahead of a possible meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pres. Xi Jinping at the BRICS summit in Russia on Oct. 22-24.

  • Indian Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri Monday said the two nuclear powers had agreed to a patrolling arrangement along their Himalayan border. Their troops had reportedly stopped patrolling in many places in the Ladakh region and stacked up reinforcements amid hostilities.

  • The areas that the two sides have agreed to resume patrolling in — reportedly the first step towards full-scale disengagement — include the Depsang and Demchok regions of Ladakh. Earlier, the Chinese Foreign Ministry had reported disengagement of troops in four areas of Ladakh.

The Spin

TheAfter long-runningnearly four years of tense military standoff, the new deal between India- and China borderoffers disputehope cannotfor benormalized solvedrelations. byClearly, aboth one-offnations dealare ready to de-escalatenarrow tensionstheir differences. WhileBeijing diplomaticappears talksto havebe achievedrecognizing limitedthe troopcosts withdrawalsof inits theaggressive past,stance the coredamaged disputerelations remainswith unresolved.a Asmajor bothAsian nuclear-armedneighbor nationsand enhancelost theireconomic militaryopportunities presence andwhile infrastructure,Delhi acknowledges the riskimportance of futureengagement. conflictThis grows,breakthrough threateningcould strategicrestore stabilityvital inpolitical Asia and complicatingeconomic an already fragile relationshipties.

The long-running India-China's aggressiveborder behaviordispute andcannot attemptsbe solved by a one-off deal to unilaterallyde-escalate altertensions. theWhile borderdiplomatic statustalks quo have severelyachieved damagedlimited bilateraltroop relationswithdrawals in the past, the core dispute remains unresolved. TheAs deploymentboth ofnuclear-armed largenations numbersenhance oftheir Chinesemilitary troopspresence and infrastructure, the violationrisk of existingfuture agreementsconflict havegrows, erodedthreatening thestrategic entirestability basisin ofAsia theand relationshipcomplicating betweenan thealready twofragile countriesrelationship.

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