India's defense minister Rajnath Singh accused China of eroding the basis of bilateral relations by violating existing agreements and deploying large numbers of troops along the disputed border in Ladakh.India and China have agreed to de-escalate border tensions that had arisen since the deadly clashes between their troops in 2020. This comes ahead of a possible meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pres. Xi Jinping at the BRICS summit in Russia on Oct. 22-24.
The two countries have held 18 rounds of military talks to resolve the border issue, which has been ongoing since a deadly clash in 2020 that killed 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers.India's defense minister Rajnath Singh accused China of eroding the basis of bilateral relations by violating existing agreements and deploying large numbers of troops along the disputed border in Ladakh.
Despite some troop withdrawals in certain areas, both sides continue to maintain extra troops as part of a multi-tier deployment along the Line of Actual Control, which separates Chinese and Indian-held territories.The two countries have held 18 rounds of military talks to resolve the border issue, which has been ongoing since a deadly clash in 2020 that killed 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers.
China'sThe aggressiveborder behaviorsituation andis attemptsstable, toand unilaterallyChina alterand theIndia borderhave statusmore quocommon haveinterests severelythan damaged bilateral relationsdifferences. The deploymentborder ofissue largeshould numbersbe ofput Chinesein troopsits andproper theplace violationwithin ofbilateral existingrelations, agreementsand haveboth erodedsides theshould entirework basistowards ofnormalizing the relationshipsituation betweenas thesoon twoas countriespossible.
China's aggressive behavior and attempts to unilaterally alter the border status quo have severely damaged bilateral relations. The deployment of large numbers of Chinese troops and the violation of existing agreements have eroded the entire basis of the relationship between the two countries.