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White House Wants Insurance to Cover Over the Counter Birth Control

White House Wants Insurance to Cover Over the Counter Birth Control

Image copyright: Tiffany Hagler-Geard/Contributor/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The Facts

  • US Pres. Joe Biden's administration is proposing a new rule that would require health insurance companies to cover over-the-counter (OTC) birth control at no cost, including the morning-after (Plan B) pill, spermicides, and condoms.

  • While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires prescribed pills and some prescribed condoms to be covered, women currently pay upwards of $50 for a pack of Plan B pills and $20 per month for the recently approved OTC drug called Opill.

  • The rule, which would take effect in 2025 if codified, would also force insurance companies to cover Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs, including IUDs, without patients having to share the cost.The rule, which would take effect in 2025 if codified, would also force insurance companies to cover Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs, including IUDs, without patients carrying "additional cost."

The Spin

At a moment when American women face growing attacks on their right to bodily autonomy, the Biden adminstration is simply trying to make life easier and more affordable. While the ACA made history by forcing companies to cover prescribed constraceptives, millions of women who don't have prescriptions are forced to foot the bill. These new rules are meant to ensure women don't break the bank just because they need reproductive medicine.

Given that the ACA already subsidizes contraceptives for those who can least afford it, there is absolutely no need to expand this coverage any further. Besides the economic consequences to forcing such an expansion, there are serious moral violations when it comes to forcing companies to cover birth control. Liberal US bureaucrats have to stop forcing their anti-fertility agenda on the rest of America.

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