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WHO Declares Egypt 'Malaria-Free'

WHO Declares Egypt 'Malaria-Free'

Above: Mosquito larvae, commonly known as ''wrigglers,'' are aquatic and characterized by a large head, a broad thorax, and a narrow, wormlike abdomen. Image copyright: Soumyabrata Roy/Contributor/NurPhoto via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) declared Egypt "malaria-free" Sunday, stating that the achievement marks the end of a "nearly 100-year effort by the Egyptian government and people."

  • Egypt is now one of 44 countries and one territory around the world to have reached this milestone — the third in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, and the first since 2010.

  • The WHO Director-General grants a malaria-free certification based on technical recommendations when a country proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that no local malaria transmission has happened for at least three years and demonstrates its capacity to prevent the re-establishment of the transmission.

The Spin

The world is on a positive path toward eradicating malaria — from billions of cases prevented to millions of lives saved. But there's still more work for governments to accomplish, including preventive strategies like vaccines, mosquito sprays, and bed nets, as well as other treatments. We have a real shot at ending malaria.

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