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Snapshot 4:Mon, Oct 21, 2024 2:56:20 PM GMT last edited by MattKalman

Migrant Caravan Heads North Ahead of US Election

Migrant Caravan Heads North Ahead of US Election

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The Facts

  • A group of approximately 2K migrants departed from Mexico's southern border Sunday, aiming to reach the US.

  • This migration surge comes weeks before the Nov. 5 US presidential election, which has featured immigration as a contentious issue. Some migrants cited a lack of jobs in Mexico's south and a delay in asylum appointments in the US as inspiration for this latest trek.

  • Pres. Joe Biden's administration recently announced an executive order extending the number of days it takes for the asylum process to reopen — tightening regulations from a previous executive order that began to reduce illegal border crossings in June.

The Spin

TheOf migrantcourse caravanthese ispeople aare responserisking life and limb to reach the direUS situationsbefore inthe theirelection. homeThe countriesBiden andadministration's theopen-borders bureaucraticpolicies, hurdleswhich theyhave faceso ingreatly Mexico.harmed Thethe current systemUS, includingare theattractive CBPwhen Onecompared app,to isTrump's inadequateplans to addressprotect the needsUS offrom asyluminvasion seekers.and Thekeep U.S.these shouldunvetted providemigrants morefrom supportillegally andcrossing streamline the asylumsouthern processborder. toThe alleviateUS thecan't humanitarianbe crisisthe atworld's the borderoasis.

TheFrom surgeDay inOne migrationof posesTrump's significantinitial challengescampaign tofor borderpresident security and strainsmaybe resources.even Strictbefore immigrationthat policies Republicans have beenused effectiveelection inseason reducingto illegaldrum borderup crossings.Americans' Extendingfears theseof measuresan isinvading necessarycaravan in order to maintainsteer ordervotes. andAs ensurewe've aseen fairin andthe controlledpast, immigrationthis Thejust sponsorshipone programof hasnumerous alreadylies allowedRepublicans atell substantialabout numberimmigration, and once the election passes, stories of migrantscaravans tousually enteralso legallydisappear.

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