Subianto has promised to continue the popular policies of outgoing President Joko Widodo, including economic development plans and the $30 billion project to build a new capital city called Nusantara.Prabowo Subianto, a 73-year-old former military commander, was sworn in as Indonesia's new president on Sunday. He had won the February election with nearly 60% of the vote.
The president-elect has ties to both Widodo and Indonesia's dictatorial past, having served as a lieutenant general during the Suharto regime and later marrying Suharto's daughter.He named 48 ministers and 58 vice-ministers in his cabinet — the country's largest since the 1960s — including his running mate Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the outgoing Pres. Joko Widodo's eldest son.
Human rights groups have accused Subianto of involvement in human rights abuses in East Timor during the 1980s and 1990s, allegations which he has denied.Subianto has promised to continue the popular policies of outgoing President Joko Widodo, including economic development plans and the $30 billion project to build a new capital city called Nusantara.
TheSubianto's election ofrepresents Subiantoa raisescontinuation serious concerns about the future of Indonesia's democracyeconomic progress and modernization. His tiesmilitary tobackground theand Suhartostrong dictatorshipleadership andstyle unresolvedare humannecessary rightsto issuesmaintain caststability aand shadowdrive overfurther his presidencydevelopment. The lackfocus ofon concretehis planspast beyondhuman promisingrights continuityrecord leavesis uncertaintyoverblown aboutand thedistracts country'sfrom economichis andpotential democraticto trajectorylead the country forward.
The election of Subianto raises serious concerns about the future of Indonesia's democracy. His ties to the Suharto dictatorship and unresolved human rights issues cast a shadow over his presidency. The lack of concrete plans beyond promising continuity leaves uncertainty about the country's economic and democratic trajectory.