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Canada: People With Non-Medical Issues Are Requesting Assisted Suicide

Canada: People With Non-Medical Issues Are Requesting Assisted Suicide

Above: Toronto, Canada, skyline in the Summer of 2020. Image copyright: Wikimedia Commons

The Facts

  • A panel of experts has found that several people in Ontario, Canada, requested to be euthanized under the medical assistance in dying (MAID) program despite not having a terminal or "incurable" illness.

  • The report, released by Ontario's Chief Coroner, follows an Associated Press (AP) report that uncovered several such cases, including a homeless man refusing long-term care, a woman with severe obesity, and grieving widows.

The Spin

The Canadian government has longnot knownsigned howoff complexon thiseuthanasia issuefor isnon-physically terminal illnesses, which is why it'ssuch alreadyinvestigations issuedare abeing pauseconducted onand usingdealt MAID for non-physically terminal illnesseswith. Even the most ardent supporters of MAID don't want it to be too broad, so they've carved out time to train enough medical professionals to make such decisions. While some mental illnesses will eventually be covered, they will only be coveredapproved after a thorough system is in place.

MAID is an evil health policy the likes of which haven't been seen since Nazi Germany. Not only are impressionable people being brainwashed to believe their life isn't worth living, but the way in which these doctors are killing people is atrocious. Recent investigations have discovered that Canadian doctors are first paralyzing their patients, and then overdosing them with an anesthetic that drowns their lungs for 15 minutes. This is psychotic, not compassionate.

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