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Court Rulings Ease Voting Restrictions in 3 States

Court Rulings Ease Voting Restrictions in 3 States

Image copyright: Hannah Beier/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • With the Nov. 5 presidential election less than three weeks away, courts in Nebraska, Alabama, and Georgia this week loosened voting restrictions, many of which were passed after former Pres Donald Trump, the current Republican presidential nominee, falsely claimed the 2020 election was rigged against him.

  • In Alabama, a US district judge ruled in favor of the US Justice Department and civil rights groups who sued over Republican Secretary of State Wes Allen's program to remove "noncitizens" registered to vote in that state. The judge agreed this violated a federal law barring systemic removal of names from the rolls within 90 days of a federal election.In Alabama, a US district judge ruled in favor of the US Justice Department and civil rights groups who sued over Republican Secretary of State Wes Allen's program to remove "noncitizens" registered to vote in that state.

  • Meanwhile, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled that Republican Secretary of State Bob Evnen lacks the power to declare unconstitutional a law that restores voting rights to people convicted of a felony.The judge agreed this violated a federal law barring systemic removal of names from the rolls within 90 days of a federal election.

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