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US: Harris Claims Her Presidency Would 'Not Be a Continuation' of Biden Administration

US: Harris Claims Her Presidency Would 'Not Be a Continuation' of Biden Administration

Above: U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris gives remarks alongside U.S. President Joe Biden at Prince George’s Community College on August 15, 2024 in Largo, Maryland. Image copyright: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • In her first interview with Fox News on Wednesday, Democratic nominee Vice Pres. Kamala Harris claimed that her prospective administration would "not be a continuation of Joe Biden's presidency."In her first interview with Fox News on Wednesday, Democratic presidential nominee and US Vice Pres. Kamala Harris claimed that her prospective administration would "not be a continuation of Joe Biden's presidency."

  • Harris stated that "like every new president" she would present "fresh and new ideas," as the nominee labelled herself as representing a "new generation of leadership."Harris stated that "like every new president" she would present "fresh and new ideas," as the nominee labeled herself as representing a "new generation of leadership."

  • Harris's comments came after Fox played an interview extract from last week where the Vice President claimed that there was "not a thing that comes to mind" having been "a part of most of the decisions that have had impact" when asked what she would have changed from the current Biden administration.This came after a separate interview Harris gave last week, during which she was asked if she would have changed anything from the current Biden administration, to which she said there was "not a thing that comes to mind."

The Spin

Polling shows that the American people view Harris as not only the stronger change candidate than Trump but also more likely to get America back in the right direction. Alongside emerging reports of tension between the Harris and Biden teams, it is clear to the public that the Vice President is not a continuity candidate and will forging her own path to the Presidency.

Harris's painful interview with Fox is a reminder to all Americans that, despite the best attempts of Democrats, the last three and a half years cannot be forgotten. Unable to provide any substance to why her administration would be any different and still incapable of acknowledging Biden's mental decline, it would be foolish to believe that the White House would be any better under Kamala Harris.

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