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DOJ to Monitor Voting in Portage County, Ohio

DOJ to Monitor Voting in Portage County, Ohio

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The Facts

  • The US Justice Department (DOJ) on Tuesday announced it will be monitoring voting in Portage County, Ohio because voters there have "raised concerns about intimidation" related to surveillance and the collection of voter data.

  • This comes weeks after Republican Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski in a Facebook post used offensive terms in reference to Vice Pres. Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, and immigrations.

  • Although the DOJ didn't name Zuchowski in its announcement, there have been numerous reports of residents filing complaints with federal and state authorities over the post.

The Spin

Zuchowski's post was clear-cut, vile racism and textbook voter intimidation. He mischaracterized the immigrants who are here legally as criminals and threatened citizens who plan to exercise their right to vote with law-enforcement action if they don't vote the way he wants. Unfortunately, this type of intimidation has become common in Republican-led areas.

Although Zuchowski could've probably voiced his concerns more eloquently, he has valid concerns about immigrants voting illegally and shifting the balance of the election. The Biden administration has ignored requests from state officials to provide federal citizenship records in order to root out fraud. It's obvious Democrats aren't as serious about election security as Republicans.

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