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Snapshot 6:Wed, Oct 16, 2024 1:21:59 PM GMT last edited by NickBurk

US Elections: Over 300K Cast Ballots as Early Voting Begins

RecordUS TurnoutElections: inOver Georgia300K onCast Day-OneBallots ofas Early Voting Begins

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The Facts

  • The US state of Georgia Tuesday set a record in early polling with 328K votes — crushing 2020's 136K figure — despite still reeling under the wrath of Hurricane Helene.Georgia, a key swing state in the 2024 presidential election, witnessed record a turnout for the first day of early voting, with 328K people casting a vote on Tuesday.

  • The 2020 record was broken by 1pm itself Tuesday, a day after a judge barred election officials from delaying or refusing to certify poll results over fraud or errors.The previous first-day record — set in 2020 when 136K voted — had been broken by 1 pm Tuesday, a day after a judge barred election officials from delaying or refusing to certify poll results due to fraud or errors.

  • Large turnouts in early voting often reportedly favor Democrats and may play a crucial role in Georgia, one of the seven battleground states both parties are eyeing.This comes a day after Judge Robert McBurney barred the hand counting of ballots after polls close on Nov. 5, stating that implementing it would cause "a substantial threat of irreparable harm."

The Spin

Georgia has emerged as a critical battleground in the 2024 presidential election, with record-breaking early voting numbers on Tuesday highlighting its pivotal role. This is particularly significant given Georgia's potential to decide the electoral outcome between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. With its mix of competitive demographics and history of close results, Georgia's voter turnout and election administration processes could prove decisive in determining the next president.

As Georgia reports unprecedented early voting turnout, Judge Robert McBurney has blocked the state's controversialbanning newthe hand- counting rulesof thatballots could have disrupted the election. The ruling comes at a crucial moment for Georgia,the a pivotal battleground state in the 2024 presidential race. McBurney's decision, citing the "11th-and-one-half hour" nature of the changes, protects established vote-counting procedures amid record voter participation. The ruling reflects broader tensions between election administration and attempts to alter voting procedures in key swing states.

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