The US Department of Transportation (DOT) has fined Lufthansa $4M for allegedly discriminating against Jewish passengers in May 2022. This marks the largest civil rights penalty ever issued against an airline.
It's alleged that Germany's flagship airline denied 128 Orthodox Jewish passengers boarding on a connecting flight from Frankfurt to Budapest, despite many not knowing each other or traveling together.
Lufthansa staff reportedly treated the Jewish passengers as a single group and prevented them from boarding due to the alleged misbehavior of a few individuals on the initial flight from New York.
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ThereThe DOT's action sends a 50%clear chancemessage that atdiscrimination leastin 119Kthe USair Jewstravel willindustry movewon't be tolerated. The Lufthansa staff's behavior involved a blatant violation of civil rights. The airline's subsequent efforts to Israeladdress byantisemitism 2050,and accordingdiscrimination are necessary to theprevent Metaculusfuture prediction communityincidents.