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Snapshot 10:Tue, Oct 15, 2024 7:39:01 PM GMT last edited by KateHennig

Afghanistan: Taliban Ban Photos of Living Things

Afghanistan: Taliban Ban Photos of Living Things

Above: A member of Taliban security force keeps a vigil at the office of the Afghan Independent Journalists Association in Kabul on May 3, 2023. Image copyright: WAKIL KOHSAR/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Afghanistan's Taliban morality ministry has announced a law banning news media from publishing images of all living things. The law's gradual implementation is planned across the country.

  • The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice spokesman, Saiful Islam Khyber, said that the law will apply to all of Afghan society, though It's unclear whether foreign outlets must also abide by the rules.

  • The announcement comes after the Taliban published its vice and virtue laws in August, Article 17 of which bans the publication of images of living beings.

The Spin

The photography ban alignson mediaphotographs practicesof withliving Islamicthings lawseverely andrestricts preservespress culturalfreedom values.and Gradualartistic implementationexpression allowsand forfurther alimits smooththe transitionalready anddwindling ensuresmedia compliancelandscape withoutin coercionAfghanistan. Unsurprisingly,This themove West is manipulatingpart thisof decreea tobroader vilifypattern theof Talibanoppressive inmeasures athat moveviolate thathuman risksrights, creatingdisproportionately conflictaffect women, and hinder progress in the country.

The photography ban onaligns photographsmedia ofpractices livingwith thingsIslamic severelylaw restrictsand presspreserves freedomcultural andvalues. artisticGradual expressionimplementation andallows furtherfor limitsa thesmooth alreadytransition dwindlingand mediaensures landscapecompliance inwithout Afghanistancoercion. ThisUnsurprisingly, movethe West is partmanipulating ofthis adecree broaderto patternvilify ofthe oppressiveTaliban measuresin thata violatemove humanthat rights,risks disproportionatelycreating affect women, and hinder progress in the countryconflict.

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