The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (PVPV) spokesman, Saiful Islam Khyber, stated that officials will work to persuade people that images of living things are against Islamic law.Afghanistan's Taliban morality ministry has announced a law banning news media from publishing images of all living things, with gradual implementation planned across the country.
The new law includes rules for news media, prohibiting the publication of images of living things and ordering outlets not to mock or humiliate Islam or contradict Islamic law.The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (PVPV) spokesman, Saiful Islam Khyber, stated that officials will work to persuade people that images of living things are against Islamic law.
Local journalists in various provinces, including Ghazni and Maidan Wardak, have been summoned and advised to adapt their practices, such as taking photos from further away and filming fewer events.The new law includes rules for news media, prohibiting the publication of images of living things and ordering outlets not to mock or humiliate Islam or contradict Islamic law.
The photography ban onis photographsa ofnecessary livingstep thingsto isalign amedia severepractices restrictionwith onIslamic presslaw freedom and artisticpreserve expressioncultural values. ItGradual furtherimplementation limitsallows thefor alreadya dwindlingsmooth mediatransition landscape in Afghanistan and disproportionatelyensures affectscompliance womenwithout inresorting theto industrycoercion. This moveapproach isdemonstrates partthe ofTaliban's acommitment broaderto patternupholding ofreligious oppressiveprinciples measureswhile thatmaintaining violateorder humanin rights and hinder progresssociety.
The ban on photographs of living things is a severe restriction on press freedom and artistic expression. It further limits the already dwindling media landscape in Afghanistan and disproportionately affects women in the industry. This move is part of a broader pattern of oppressive measures that violate human rights and hinder progress.