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Snapshot 5:Tue, Oct 15, 2024 9:41:06 AM GMT last edited by ArthursSeat22

South Korea Prepares for North to 'Blow Up Border Roads' Amid Drone Controversy

South Korea Prepares for North to 'Blow Up Border Roads' Amid Drone Controversy

Above: Barricades are seen at a military checkpoint on the Tongil bridge, the road leading to North Korea's Kaesong city, in the border city of Paju on October 14, 2024. Image copyright: Jung Yeon-Je/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • South Korea's military said Monday that it's "fully ready" to respond to reports that the North is deploying artillery troops to the border. Pyongyang's move is reportedly in response to alleged South Korean drones dropping propaganda leaflets over the border.South Korea's military said Monday that it's "fully ready" to respond to reports that the North is deploying artillery troops to the border, allegedly a response to reports of South Korean drones dropping propaganda leaflets over the border.

  • A South Korean military spokesperson said the North has "installed screens on the road and is working behind those screens, preparing to blow up the roads" near the border between the two countries.

  • Pyongyang, who on Friday reportedly warned Seoul to stop sending unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the North, was also quoted as ordering the "transfer [of] eight artillery brigades fully armed to the wartime readiness level to a firing standby by 8 p.m. on Sunday."

The Spin

Pyongyang ishas throwingevery aright fitto overassert leafletscontrol thatover containits anti-Kimsovereign Jong Un messagesterritory. BesidesNot theonly factis that these are just words, the onlySouth evidencedropping ofpropaganda dronesleaflets hasinto beenenemy aterritory, singlebut black-and-whiteit's photodoing ofso aby wingedflying objectdrones inall the sky.way Southinto North Korea's hascapital dealtcity. withThis incomingis Northclearly Koreana dronesnational forsecurity years,threat sothat formust Kimbe todealt threatenwith bombsby overthe thisNorth isKorean uncalleddefense forforces.

Pyongyang hasis everythrowing righta tofit assertover controlleaflets overthat itscontain sovereignanti-Kim territoryJong Un messages. NotBesides onlythe isfact that these are just words, the Southonly droppingevidence propagandaof leafletsdrones intohas enemybeen territory,a butsingle it'sblack-and-white doingphoto soof bya flyingwinged dronesobject allin the waysky. intoSouth North Korea's capitalhas city.dealt Thiswith isincoming clearlyNorth aKorean nationaldrones securityfor threatyears, thatso mustfor beKim dealtto withthreaten bybombs theover Norththis Koreanis defenseuncalled forcesfor.

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