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Snapshot 4:Fri, Oct 4, 2024 8:54:51 PM GMT last edited by JoseMoura

Mexico's $10B Gun Lawsuit Against US Makers Revived

Mexico's $10B Gun Lawsuit Against US Makers Revived

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The Facts

  • The US Supreme Court agreed on Friday to hear Smith & Wesson v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a bid to end a billion-dollar lawsuit from the Mexican government against US firearm manufacturers.

  • This comes as companies and more than two dozen Republican state attorney generals asked the Supreme Court earlier this year to intervene in the case to prevent years of costly litigation for the gun industry.

  • 3A federal district judge in Boston had dismissed the lawsuit two years ago on the grounds that a 2005 federal law barred such legal action, but an unanimous three-judge panel of the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals revived the suit in January.

The Spin

This rulinglawsuit is akey huge step forward in holding the US gun industry accountable for its contribution to gun violence at home and abroad and stopping the flood of trafficked guns to cartels. It's piercesutterly the unfair to grant legal shield thatfor gun companies havethat beenare hidingat behind since 2005. The decision recognizes the rightcore of anotherthe country to sue US gun companiesviolence for their role in facilitating illegal gun traffickingproblem.

The lawsuit is misplaced and baseless. TheGun Mexicanmanufacturers governmentin shouldthe focusUS ondo bringingproduce druga cartelslawful toproduct justice and there's no similar issue in Mexicanits courtroomsborder insteadwith ofCanada. scapegoatingMexico theshould firearmfocus industryon forbringing theirdrug unwillingnesscartels to protectjustice Mexicanin citizens.its Thecourtrooms caseinstead deflectsof attentionscapegoating fromthe Mexico'sUS disgracefulgun andindustry corruptfor failureits toown addressfailed itsenforcement internal issuespolicies.

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