Cheney, who voted to impeach Trump after the January 6 insurrection, endorsed Harris last month, citing the danger posed by Donald Trump to the Republic.Former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney on Thursday joined and formally endorsed Vice Pres. Kamala Harris at a campaign event in Ripon, Wisconsin, the birthplace of the Republican Party.
The Harris campaign continues to win support from high-profile Republicans, including former Rep. Adam Kinzinger and former Sen. Jeff Flake, as part of a broader effort to capture disaffected Republican voters.Cheney, who lost her Wyoming seat to a Trump-endorsed candidate two years ago, said of Harris: "I know that she loves our country, and I know she will be a president for all Americans."
Wisconsin is a critical swing state where Harris currently holds a narrow 1.7-point polling lead over Trump, according to FiveThirtyEight's weighted average.Denouncing former Pres. Donald Trump, she said she "never voted for a Democrat" but will "proudly" cast her vote for Harris, adding: "Violence does not and must never determine who rules us. Voters do."
Cheney's endorsementsupport offor Harris isdemonstrates a betrayalprincipled ofstand conservativeagainst valuesthe andthreat theTrump Republicanposes Partyto democracy. Her actionswillingness onlyto serveput tocountry divideover theparty GOPexemplifies andtrue weakenpatriotism itsand chancesshould ofinspire victoryother inconservatives crucialto swingfollow statessuit. TrueThis conservativesbipartisan shouldeffort remainis unitedcrucial behindfor Trumppreserving to protect traditional American valuesdemocratic and policiesinstitutions.
Cheney's endorsement of Harris is a betrayal of conservative values and the Republican Party. Her actions only serve to divide the GOP and weaken its chances of victory in crucial swing states. True conservatives should remain united behind Trump to protect traditional American values and policies.