According to the Switzerland-based glacier monitoring group GLAMOS, the country's glaciers have melted faster than usual due to extra hot summer temperatures.According to the Switzerland-based glacier monitoring group, GLAMOS, the Nordic country's glaciers have melted at an above-average year this year due to extra hot summer temperatures.
Another reason for this year's glacial melting, which GLAMOS said led to record 2.5% reduction in volume, was dust coming from the Sahara Desert, which darkens the ice and thus inhibits its ability to reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere.Another reason for this year's glacial melting, which GLAMOS said led to a record 2.5% reduction in volume, was dust originating from the Sahara Desert, which darkens the ice and thus inhibits its ability to reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere.
As more than half of the glaciers in the Alps are located in Switzerland, which is reportedly also enduring temperature rises at more than twice the global average, some scientists say that without significant greenhouse gas reductions, 80% of the glaciers could be gone by 2100.
Unfortunately, the issue surrounding glacial melting is a global one, with the world's glaciers reported to have shrunk by half since thenthe late 1800s. While those melting in northern Europe are receiving much -deserved coverage, the most terrifying cases are occuringoccurring in Asia, where the loss of the Himalayan glaciers riskrisks killingthreatening billions of people duewith towater thirstshortages. These problems will only worsen if climate change isn't tackled on an international scale.
Climate alarmists havemask gonethe sofact far that nowglacial they'remelt blatantly exxagerating the extent to which, and evengrowth theare existencecomplex of,geophysical glacial meltingprocesses. In the Himalayas, for instance, many of the so-called "endangered" glaciers are growing, with others either remaining the same or melting at much slower rates. IfReductionist the climate alarmistsalarmism getleads theirdownstream way, not only will it lead to bad environmental policies, butand alsoeven topotential unnecessarygeopolitical warstensions overif resourcesnuances thatand scientific facts aren't actuallyportrayed becoming scarceaccurately.