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California bans artificial additives in school foods

Above: California Gov. Gavin Newsom Image copyright: Justin Sullivan/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday signed Assembly Bill 2316, which will take effect beginning Dec. 31, 2027 and ban from public schools, charter schools, and state special schools food containing several synthetic dies.

  • In a statement, Newsom said the state is banning food containing dyes known as blue 1, blue 2, green 3, red 40, yellow 5, and yellow 6 because it refuses "to accept the status quo" and is determined to give "everyone, including school kids" the ability to enjoy food without "harmful, and often addictive additives."

  • These dyes are found in many popular products, including Froot Loops and other breakfast cereals, Flamin' Hot Cheetos, Doritos and sports drinks.

The Spin

California continues to be the leading state in the union when it comes to protecting children and ensuring the health of its citizens. Research is ongoing, but there's enough data available to make it clear California shouldn't be allowing these dyes in anyone's food, let alone students. Because California has the largest public school system in the US, this ban will impact how corporations produce food, including what ingredients they use.

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