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France: Le Pen Embezzlement Trial Begins

France: Le Pen Embezzlement Trial Begins

Above: French Rassemblement National Member of Parliament Marine Le Pen leaves a Paris courtroom Sept. 30, 2024. Image copyright: Alain Jocard/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The embezzlement trial of National Rally (RN) Member of Parliament Marine Le Pen and more than 20 members of her party began Monday. She's accused of creating "fake jobs" to illegally take EU Parliament funds and use it for party operations.

  • Prosecutors allege that between 2004 and 2016, RN hired several parliamentary assistants — who were paid with EU funds and only worked for the party in violation of funding laws.

  • Former party treasurer Wallerand de Saint-Just and former RN members of the European Parliament — including Le Pen's father, 96-year-old Jean-Marie — are among the other people standing trial.

The Spin

These RN members have spent years cheating Europe's parliamentary system out of millions. After years of investigation, incriminating documents and testimony — most notably correspondence between party leaders — show that Le Pen and her colleagues deserve whatever punishments they're due.

Le Pen is being politically prosecuted to keep her and her increasingly popular views on immigration away from power. As with Donald Trump in America, France's left-wing establishment is using the justice system to drum up bogus charges against a woman they see as a political threat. If anyone is committing a crime, it's the government.

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