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Snapshot 8:Thu, Sep 26, 2024 9:08:24 PM GMT last edited by NickBurk

Congress Votes to Fund US Government Through Dec. 20

Congress Votes to Fund US Government Through Dec. 20

Above: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) prior to the House vote on the Sept. 25 continuing resolution. Image copyright: Kent Nishimura/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The US House and Senate on Wednesday passed a bipartisan continuing resolution to keep the government funded through Dec. 20, postponing a potential government shutdown.

  • The House voted 341-82 before the Senate approved the bill 78-18. All opposition votes were cast by Republicans.

  • Democratic Pres. Joe Biden was expected to sign the bill, which also provides the Secret Service $231M in additional funding — a bipartisan allotment that became a priority after two recent assassination attempts on former Pres. Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.

The Spin

Once again Democrats proved they are the lone party in Washington focusing on beneficial policy, while Republicans are determined to grind the government to a halt. This continues a yearslong pattern of Democrats saving Republicans from themselves just when it seems Republicans will drive federal operations into a wall. Hopefully, the American people will recognize this difference when they go to the election booth.

Some factions of the GOP may not fully agree, but this continuing resolution is the best way forward. The government should never needlessly be shut down, and this definitely wasn't the time to make a political statement with crucial programs, including ones related to national security, at risk. Luckily, enough Republicans came to a consensus, and they can look forward to the November election providing guidance on how the government should be funded moving forward.

Once again, Republicans who may as well be part of a "uniparty" with the Democrats caved and agreed to let the country continue to spend at an unsustainable rate. The US needs to restrain its spending and it needs a sound, long-term financial plan, not these resolutions that keep kicking the can down the road — forcing legislators to make snap decisions.

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