The Georgia state election board voted 3-2 Friday to require that all ballots in the upcoming November election be hand-counted at every polling location across the state.
The new rule, which comes less than 50 days before the Nov. 5 election, means that ballots will be counted by both machines and poll workers.
While the ruling was praised by Trump and his supporters, critics from both parties, including the Republican Secretary of State and Attorney General, said it goes against their legal advice and will make ballot counting last too long.
There is absolutely zero reason to require hand-counted ballots. Firstly, studies show that due to human nature and our inability to do tedious tasks for too long, hand counts result in a 25% mistake rate. They also show that it would take immense man power and weeks of counting just to do 100K ballots, let alone the millions that will be cast in Georgia.
The American people have become very skeptical of their elections, which is why they want further assurances that their ballots are counted properly. People already assume that other precious documents, such as money at the bank, is checked an re-checked by human beings, so it shouldn't be too much to ask regarding the sacred right to vote.