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Snapshot 4:Thu, Sep 19, 2024 8:05:39 PM GMT last edited by JoseMoura

UN Resolution Asks Israel to End 'Unlawful Presence' in Palestine

UN Resolution Asks Israel to End 'Unlawful Presence' in Palestinian TerritoriesPalestine

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The Facts

  • The UN General Assembly passed a non-binding resolution on Wednesday calling for Israel to "end without delay its unlawful presence" in Palestinian areas within 12 months.

  • There were 124 votes in favor and 14 votes against the measure, along with 43 abstentions. Among those in opposition were Israel itself and its closest ally, the US.

The Spin

UNThe Secretary-Generalinternational Antóniocommunity Guterresmust hashold inIsrael theaccountable pastfor virtuallyits justifiedoccupation Hamas’sof actionsPalestinian byterritories, citingand Gaza’san “suffocatingarms occupation.”embargo Thiswill wasprove evidencecrucial ofto thesafeguard UN'sglobal systemiclegal biasstandards againstand Israel.cease Influencedhumanitarian bycrises. nationsIt's liketime Russia,for China,nations andto sometake Muslim-majoritydecisive states,steps theagainst UN often portrays Israel asto anprotect oppressorPalestinian whilelives downplayingand atrocitiesuphold committedinternational by groups like Hamaslaw.

ItUN isofficials crucialhave thatin the internationalpast communityvirtually holdsjustified IsraelHamas' accountableterrorism forby itspointing occupationto ofan Palestinianalleged territories."suffocating Manyoccupation" countriesin continuea toblatant supplyshow Israelof witha weaponssystemic usedbias inagainst civilian harmIsrael. ThisInfluenced underminesby globalnations legallike standardsRussia, China, and perpetuatessome humanitarianMuslim-majority crises.states, Tothe protectUN Palestiniankeeps livesportraying andIsrael upholdas internationalan law,oppressor stateswhile mustdownplaying nowatrocities takecommitted decisiveby stepsgroups againstlike IsraelHamas.

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