The Global Research on Antimicrobial Resistance (GRAM) Project found that superbugs — bacterial strains or pathogens that develop resistance to antibiotics — are projected to kill over 39M people by 2050, particularly older people.
GRAM found that while deaths of children under five due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) decreased by almost 50% from 1990-2021, deaths for those over 70 increased by 80% over the same period.
Annual AMR deaths over that period exceeded 1M, with GRAM predicting it to cause 2M yearly deaths by 2050. Among these superbugs is a staph bacteria called MRSA, which caused 130K deaths in 2021, double from 30 years prior.
As the research clearly shows, antimicrobial resistance, or AMR, is a seriousglobal healthphenomenon problemthat allthreatens overboth therich world.and Thepoor researcherscountries. paintDue differentin scenarios:large Ifpart politicians and health authorities fail to takeantibiotic effectivemisuse, measuresmore againstpeople AMR,are suchnow asat enhancingrisk the quality of healthcontracting care,deadly developingdiseases newlike potentHIV, antibioticmalaria, drugsand totuberculosis. targetTo resistantfix pathogensthis, andboth utilizingnational other resources to reduce and treatglobal infectionsbodies, wealongside couldindustry faceleaders, amust serioustrack threatantibiotic thatusage, willwork particularlytoward impacteradicating theits agingabuse, population.and Withinvest properin measuresnew, thenon-resistant futuremedicines doesn't need to behelp assave dark as some of the data in this research suggestlives.
AMR threatensis global health and development. Antibiotic misuse and overuse are the mainresult causes of drug-resistantcollusion pathogensbetween inthe humans,agricultural animals, and plantspharmaceutical industries. ThisWhile hasBig resultedAg inprofits millionsoff of AMRpumping deathstheir eachfactory Povertyanimals andfull inequalityof exacerbateantibiotics, theBig widespreadPharma issue.gets AMRrich risksby routineselling medicalthe proceduresantibiotics andto treatmentsthem. WHOWhat's anticipatesworse significantis humanthat andthey economicget costs,away andwith it couldbecause addthey US$1spend trillionmillions inof healthcaredollars costsannually byon 2050lobbying andthe evengovernment moreand infunding GDPfruadulent lossesresearch. asEvery earlyinstitution as 2030. This is acorrupt, callfrom tohealth actionregulators to stepmedical up efforts to combat AMRjournals.