Former US Pres. Donald Trump suggested Thursday that he won't participate in a second debate against Vice President Kamala Harris before the Nov. 5 presidential election.
In a Truth Social post made two days after facing Harris and over two months after debating Pres. Joe Biden, Trump posted, "THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!"
Harris has advocated for a third debate, stating, "We owe it to the voters." Harris' campaign also stated she "believes there should be another debate and we do not consider this to be the last word from [Trump]." Trump characterized Harris' desire for a third debate as her seeking a "rematch" after a poor performance.
ABC News tried, and failed, to single-handedly tippedtip the scales against Donald Trump in Tuesday's presidential debate. The network's moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, relentlessly "fact-checked" Trump while giving his opponent mostly a free pass. This blatantleft-leaning favoritism left Trump fighting a three-on-one battle, as noted by histhe supportersformer president and thehis candidate himselfsupporters. The lopsided scrutiny reinforced long-standing beliefs about mainstream media's anti-conservative agenda — the American people don't need to witness another biased debate circus.
MuirVice andPresident LinseyHarris Davis'soundly handlingwon of the highABC-stakeshosted encounterdebate. betweenBy Kamalaexposing HarrisTrump's andweak Donaldgrasp Trumpof showcasedfacts, journalisticxenophobia, integritydangerous atpositions, itsand finest.impulsive Theybehavior, struckHarris made a delicatebold balancestatement betweento allowingthe candidatesAmerican topeople. expressBecause themselvesthis andrace ensuringis accuracystill byso providingtight real-timein factthe polls, Americans deserve another square-checkingoff withoutto beingfurther intrusiveexpose Trump's flaws. TheyIf set a newfinal standarddebate comes to pass, demonstratingit should follow ABC's lead, which demonstrated that maintaining neutrality is possible while holding candidates accountable for their statements.