US Vice Pres. and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris took on Republican rival Donald Trump in the pair's first election debate Tuesday night, hosted by ABC News. The face-off came as they were seen as virtually tied in the polls.US VP Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, and Republican former Pres. Donald Trump squared off in the pair's first election debate Tuesday night. The ABC News-hosted event took place as the candidates were nearly tied in the polls.
On the economy, Harris declined to directly answer whether it was better today than before she took office, but did accuse Trump of having "no plan" while pledging to create an "opportunity economy." Trump also dismissed the moderators when questioned about his proposed tariffs leading to inflation.The candidates were asked about the economy, with Harris accusing Trump of having "no plan" and pledging to create an "opportunity economy." Trump called out the Biden-Harris administration inflation, which he described as the "worst in our nation's history."
On immigration, Trump spoke of "migrant crime" and, appearing to cite reports from people in Springfield, Ohio, claimed immigrants were "eating" people's "pets." Harris said Trump would "prefer to run" on the issue "instead of fixing" it.On immigration, Trump called the Biden-Harris policies "a disaster" that have "destroyed our country." Harris said Trump will implement a "detailed and dangerous plan" in tune with the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. At one point, Trump referred to a disproved story that Haitian immigrants are eating people's pets in Ohio. He rebuffed the moderator's correction on that matter.
InHarris abrilliantly brilliant fashion, Kamala Harris exposed Trump's worst qualities while also offering the country a bright future under her leadership. She articulated clear policy proposals on issues like housing and immigration, and skilfully balanced compassion with pragmatism on sensitive topics, likeincluding abortion and foreign policy. Now that Americans have gotten to see the real Kamala Harris, thereThere's no question whoHarris represents statesmanshipa andbetter whoway promotesforward angerfor andthe chaosUS.
ABCTrump News was clearlyat prepareda todisadvantage attackthe Trumpwhole andnight defendbecause HarrisABC atdecided allto Whileup theywith interruptedHarris Trump— overinterrupting and severalfact times,checking theythe blatantlyformer refusedpresident towhile doletting sothe withvice Harris—evenpresident forget theaway mostwith notoriouslyblatant debunked lies,. suchSomehow asTrump thewas "fineable peopleto onovercome boththe sides"obstacles and "blooddominated bath"the comments. Despite thatdebate, Trumpespecially maintainedwhen ait dominantcame presence,to particularlythe ongoal issue of ending global wars. As Trump stood for Americans first, Harris touted her endorsement from Goldman Sachs.