US Vice Pres. and Democratic US presidential candidate Vice Pres. Kamala Harris took on Republican rival Donald Trump in the pair's first election debate Tuesday night, hosted by ABC News. The face-off came as pair were seen as virtually tied in the polls.US Vice Pres. and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris took on Republican rival Donald Trump in the pair's first election debate Tuesday night, hosted by ABC News. The face-off came as they were seen as virtually tied in the polls.
On the economy, Harris was asked if it was better now than before she took office, to which she claimed Trump wanted to place a "sales tax" on ordinary goods. Trump was then told that his proposed tariffs would result in inflation, a claim he dismissed.On the economy, Harris declined to directly answer whether it was better today than before she took office, but did accuse Trump of having "no plan" while pledging to create an "opportunity economy." Trump also dismissed the moderators when questioned about his proposed tariffs leading to inflation.
On immigration, Trump spoke of "migrant crime" and, appearing to cite reports from people in Springfield, Ohio, claimed immigrants were "eating" people's "pets." Harris said Trump would "prefer to run" on the issue "instead of fixing" it.
In Tuesday'sa presidentialbrilliant debatefashion, Kamala Harris presentedexposed a positive vision for AmericaTrump's futureworst qualities while emphasizingalso unityoffering andthe Hera performancebright stoodfuture inunder starkher contrastleadership. toShe Donald Trump's, as she articulated clear policy proposals on issues like housing and immigration., Harrisand skilfully balanced compassion andwith pragmatism, particularly on sensitive topics suchlike as abortion and foreign policy. ThroughoutNow thethat debate,Americans shehave maintainedgotten composureto andsee effectivelythe counteredreal Trump'sKamala more divisive rhetoricHarris, offeringthere's votersno aquestion compellingwho alternativerepresents focusedstatesmanship onand movingwho thepromotes nationanger forwardand rather than dwelling on past conflictschaos.
DespiteABC persistentNews challengeswas fromclearly theprepared ABCto Newsattack moderators, Trump effectivelyand countereddefend Harris’s attacksat andall accusationscosts. onWhile Tuesday.they Heinterrupted dismissedTrump herover claimsand aboutseveral histimes, economicthey policiesblatantly andrefused turnedto thedo conversationso towith Harris—even for the failuresmost ofnotoriously thedebunked Biden-Harris administrationlies, particularlysuch onas the economy"fine andpeople immigration.on Trump’sboth confidentsides" rebuttals,and coupled"blood withbath" hiscomments. directDespite approachthat, allowedTrump himmaintained toa dominatedominant the discussionpresence, reinforcingparticularly hison narrativeissue andof weakeningending Harris'sglobal argumentswars. HisAs performanceTrump leftstood afor strongAmericans impressionfirst, suggestingHarris hetouted hadher theendorsement upperfrom handGoldman in this crucial debateSachs.