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Cuomo to Testify Before House COVID Panel

Former NY Gov. Cuomo to Testify Before House COVID Panel

Image copyright: Al Drago/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo testified Tuesday before the US House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, particularly related to his governance during the pandemic and his state's nursing home policies at the time.

  • This comes a day after the committee released a report quoting him on March 10, 2020, as saying COVID in nursing homes would be a "nightmare," 15 days after which he issued an order allowing "re-admission or admission" into nursing homes for those with the virus.This comes a day after the committee released a report quoting him from March 10, 2020, saying COVID in nursing homes would be a "nightmare," 15 days after which he issued an order allowing "re-admission or admission" into nursing homes for those with the virus.

  • While the governor's order was described as preventing overcrowding hospitals, it resulted in 9K patients being released into long-term care facilities and a total of 15K dying from COVID in nursing homes.While the order was meant to prevent overcrowding of hospitals, it resulted in releasing 9K patients into long-term care facilities and a total of 15K dying from COVID in nursing homes.

The Spin

Though it took over four years to happen, Cuomo's deadly COVID policies are finally being brought to light. Thanks to House Republicans, Americans know that the former governor killed thousands of elderly New Yorkers and doctored the data to get away with it. Donald Trump had nothing to do with Cuomo's decision to put sick patients inside nursing homes.

TheThis House of Representatives is a federal legislative body, but Republicans—clearly due to it being an election -year—have chosenpolitical toattack targetby onethe formerHouse, Democraticwhich governorshould forbe politicalspending reasons.its COVIDtime haslegislating killedinstead 1.2Mof Americansattacking nationally,Democratic thegovernors. original reason for which was Trump's failure to both acknowledge the existencearrival of the viruspandemic and supply the nation with proper medical care was the major reason at least 1.2M American died from COVID.

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