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Snapshot 6:Mon, Sep 9, 2024 9:50:33 PM GMT last edited by NickBurk

Three Israelis Shot Dead at West Bank-Jordan Crossing

Three Israelis Shot Dead at West Bank-Jordan Crossing

Above: Views from the Israeli side of the bus stop at the King Hussein/Allenby Bridge border crossing on Oct. 17, 2019. Image copyright: Levi Clancy [via Wikimedia Commons]

The Facts

  • Three Israeli civilian guards were killed on Sunday morning at the West Bank-Jordan border crossing after a gunman opened fire in a commercial cargo terminal under Israeli control at the King Hussein/Allenby Bridge.

  • The shooter — identified as Maher al-Jazi, a 39-year-old truck driver from Jordan — was killed at the scene by security personnel. His truck was checked for explosives and Israeli forces searched the area for additional assailants.The shooter — identified as Maher Jazi, a 39-year-old truck driver from Jordan — was killed at the scene by security personnel. His truck was checked for explosives and Israeli forces searched the area for additional assailants.

  • Al-Jazi was a retired Jordanian soldier who was transporting goods to the West Bank. According to the results of an initial investigation conducted in Jordan, the deadly incident was an isolated act.

The Spin

Israel is under attack as Iran's axis of evil conducts a multi-front war on Israel. The heinous Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas massacre was just the start, with Hezbollah and the Houthis following suit. To make things worse, this rising violence has also encouraged lone-wolf terrorists and terrorist groups in the West Bank and elsewhere to carry out deadly attacks.

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